Practicing Wise Speech: NVC-Dharma

NVC-Dharma series
After two years of intensive study and meditation practice, Ñaniko (Oren Jay Sofer) will be offering a new "NVC-Dharma" series during his stay this fall in the San Francisco Bay area. Integrating the insights and practices of Buddhist meditation with the tools of Nonviolent Communication, Ñaniko brings a unique and powerful perspective to living and speaking mindfully. This class will be the only series Ñaniko is teaching in the Bay area until 2014 or later.
Embodying Empathy and Awareness
8-week Series with Nyaniko Oren Sofer
Oct 10 - Dec 5; Wednesdays, 6:30 - 9:00pm
Sliding Scale: $400 - $640
Location: Berkeley, CA
This course offers practical training and concrete tools to bridge the gap between what we know intellectually and what we are able to embody in tense moments. Through a combination of mindfulness practices, guided reflections, and interactive exercises, participants will develop a stronger sense of presence, greater access to compassion, and more versatile, clearer communication. Appropriate for both experienced and newer students.